New Warehouse Trends for 2021

Dec 30, 2020 | Blog

Is your warehouse provider ready for the new challenges of the new year?

As the world shifts to more and more online shopping, warehouses are seeing a spike in traffic and automated processes. The future is always uncertain, but perhaps now more than ever. Here are some of the important warehouse management trends of the year 2021.

More Automation

Automation has been a trend in almost all industries. The continued success indicates that this trend will only get stronger in the coming year. Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms can perform basic day to day operations automatically. Stronger technology and automation ultimately saves time and eliminates the chance of human error, making the operations more accurate and more efficient.

Data Analytics 

For a warehouse to adapt to the new standards of the new year, it needs to fully utilize current data to decide where their processes are working or where to improve them. Advancements in data collection and tracking allow more insights into the business as well as boosting predictive analytics.

E-commerce Will Accelerate

In 2019, the eMarketer estimated that global e-commerce would reach $5 trillion by 2021. This prediction was before a global pandemic caused extended lockdowns and accelerated the trend of e-commerce. It’s possible that some of this trend will reverse as the pandemic ends, however, those major retail stores may be somewhat empty for a while. Smaller stores may have even less resilience.

The increase in demand will put pressure on warehouse technology. We’ve already seen shipping times grow at major e-commerce retailers, and the postal service burdened as smaller retailers try to pivot to online. Meeting these higher levels of demand will result in more and more warehouses relying on technology in addition to their employees.

Employee Shortages

Attracting workers was a problem for warehouse and fulfillment operations before the crisis. With the increased possibility of working from home and the likelihood of outbreaks, it may be even harder for managers to get enough employees.

Younger workers are more likely to be attracted to an automated workplace where they can learn about high technology. Automation also reduces workplace injuries.

Real-Time Tracking and Inventory Management

Whether tracking assets throughout the facility or tracking employees on the warehouse floor, instantaneous visibility on high-value assets is essential. This insight into operations ensures a better-connected supply chain and reduces error while increasing productivity.

Manually counting stock every day is a laborious, expensive task with a big risk for error.

Fleet Management and Delivery

A key part to every distribution center is delivery. Fleet management technology allows businesses to monitor drivers’ performance in real-time, accurately schedule pickups, dispatch drivers, and process transactions on-demand, allowing drivers to quickly fix mistakes.

Our Services

Our warehouse management systems scan every part we touch and records the date, time, serial number, and quantity. We tag it, label it, and track it all while helping you manage your inventory and reduce your overhead.

Services include storage trailers, cross-dock operations, acceptance of containers, round-the-clock video monitoring, and 24/7 receiving services upon request.

Name your warehousing challenge and let DNC take care of it. Contact us today.